Yahooooo for my very first Paskuhan as a Tomasino! Did you go? :) :) I really had fun and I really did enjoy it considering it wasn't that much hassle for me. First, I came a bit early so I didn't have to wait in a long line just to get through the UST gate. And since the place wasn't that crowded yet when we got there, we were able to 1) enjoy food shopping (lots of food stalls and choices!) 2) receive and send text messages and calls and 3) take our outfit photos. :D I came with my friend
Josh, a camwhore
(hahaha, love you Josh! Mariel, please agree!), so yes... vanity overload!
I knew there would be a lot of sitting on the ground, grass and everywhere so a dress, skirt, shorts or any bottom in bright colors were never in my options so I came up with the pants. Wearing a sweater to an outdoor event where the crowd's insane is really unwise and sort of weird but wearing this lace one is a different story. The material is really light and the holes give me an instant aircon, hehe :p
Instead of wearing a tank top, I wore a floral sports bra as my inner top for a different take on wearing this lace sweater. I find the top dainty so to break the boredom and to match the event (which was rock band studded), I threw in some spikes and neon and colors and leather boots! Uma-arm party! I think it's actually my first time piling accessories like these, watcha think? :) Thank you Keeshan for these bracelets, by the way! ;)

I usually bring a kind of big bag with me because I always bring a lot of 'abubuts'. Some of my friends can attest to this. I blame my mother. Haha, hello maaa! (But a lot more people know na walang tatalo kay Mama pag dating sa preparedness. Her bag weighs a ton ;p) I think everyone has an idea of the scenario when in Paskuhan. Crazy crowd. A lot of jamming. Nonstop walking around the campus. Etc. Etc. So to avoid the stressful carrying of a bag containing a lot of things which I doubt I would use during the event, I went for a mini one and brought my essentials! Hanky (I can't go out without one), UST ID, money (food food and food!), face powder and lipstick (Of course! Retouch retouch din :p), cellphones (Essential? Yes. Useful? No.)
Josh's Paskuhan outfit! Did I mention he's a fashionista too? :) You would really draw your attention to his shoes when you see his outfit!
Feeling may kausap and ka-text! Kalokohan yan! LOL. Tomasinos and Paskuhan goers, if you know what I mean! :P Why, I was just trying my luck :( :( HAHA.
Everybody knows that the best part of a Paskuhan is the fireworks display. Instead of taking pictures and video, I just seized the magical and spectacular moment :> I swear you guys should see a UST Pyro Musical Fireworks Display if you haven't seen one yet! To end the fireworks display, this one sparked above the grandstand. I don't think I'll ever get tired of UST Paskuhan. GO USTE!
What is your Paskuhan outfit? How did your Paskuhan experience go? :)
Marks & Spencer lace sweater
Forever21 floral sports bra
Penshoppe jeans
From I'm Shoe In Love 2 leather boots
Forever21 necklace
Casio watch
Tomato bracelets
Sophie Martin bag